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Documentaries about Indonesia

Top 5 Documentaries about Indonesia

In this article, we'll explore the top 5 Documentaries about Indonesia

Intro: Documentaries about Indonesia

Previously, Indonesia was known as the Dutch East Indies (or Netherlands East Indies). Although Indonesia did not become the country's official name until independence, a German geographer first used the term in 1884. It is assumed to stem from the Greek words indos, which means "India," and nesos, which means "island." Indonesia proclaimed independence from the Netherlands in 1945, following Japanese occupation (1942–45) during World War II. However, until 1949, when the Dutch formally acknowledged Indonesian sovereignty, the country's battle for independence remained.

1. Chaos Of Indonesia’s Capital City Of Jakarta - Indonesia Documentary

'If you live in Jakarta and need a vacation from the city's commotion, why would you prefer to visit another city (Bogor) for refreshment?' some may query. Wouldn't a brief trip and leisure be better spent seeing and seeing some of Indonesia's magnificent landscapes (for example, the Puncak Pass area in West Java)?'

They do have a point, to be sure. However, for ex-pats (or Indonesians) who are restricted in their mobility (due to a lack of a car or motorcycle) and must rely on public or private transportation, it is far simpler to visit a city like Bogor than it is to access rural or more isolated, but equally beautiful, locations.

2. Deep In Indonesia - Documentaries about Indonesia

Deep Indonesia is a worldwide motorsport, adventure travel, and water sports event. It was the first time an exhibition of extreme sports, outdoor adventure, and ecotourism was held in combination with deep Indonesia. It is a powerful marketing tool for wholesalers and retailers alike.

This short video exposes a deeper facet of ordinary Indonesian life, from traditional Javanese dancing to a mysterious Tana Torajan death ceremony to mellow out feelings on Flores. Learn about ordinary Indonesians' opinions and values via interviews, and be inspired by the significant aspects the island has to offer.

3. Wildest Islands Of Indonesia - Documentaries about Indonesia

The gorgeous Indonesian islands that remain a wild paradise of gigantic flowers and coral gardens, Dragons, tigers, colossal apes, and magnificent paradise birds are shown in the WILDEST ISLANDS OF INDONESIA. This one-of-a-kind location is home to 15% of all species on the planet. These islands are home to lesser creatures, rare elephant species, and a crab about a metre large. The magnificent biodiversity of this extraordinary ecosystem is explored in this series, as well as the fascinating manner in which life has evolved, adapted, and re-born over millions of years.

These organisms have figured out how to survive and profit from some of the world's most violent rainstorms, as well as how to adapt to the continual danger of volcanic activity.

4. Indonesia's Tobacco Children - Indonesia Documentary

Aldi's addiction, Diana believes, arose as a result of peer pressure and exposure to smokers. He took her to the market every morning, where she sold vegetables produced on their property. She said that someone there may have taught him to smoke and obtain cigarettes by asking at the market.

This may appear ridiculous and like an excuse in many parts of the globe, yet it is likely in Indonesia. Because of a lack of restriction over advertising, flexible sales, and low costs, the country has the most significant percentage of male smokers in the world and one of the highest rates of teenage and kid smokers.

5. Indonesian Cuisine - Documentaries about Indonesia

Indonesian cuisine is a mash-up of regional culinary traditions that have come together to produce the archipelagic country of Indonesia. Because Indonesia is made up of around 6,000 populous islands out of a total of 17,508 in the world's biggest archipelago, with over 1,300 ethnic groups, there is a broad diversity of dishes and cuisines. There are a variety of regional cuisines, many of which are founded on indigenous culture with some foreign influences. There are around 5,350 traditional recipes in Indonesia, with 30 regarded as the most important. Indonesian cuisine ranges from humble neighbourhood cafés serving rice, noodle, and soup meals to street-side snacks and high-end plates.

Indonesian cuisine varies widely by area and is influenced by a wide range of cultures. Sumatran food, for example, is controlled by Middle Eastern and Indian cooking, including curried meats and vegetables like gulai and curry. Still, Javanese cuisine is primarily indigenous with a tinge of Chinese influence. Eastern Indonesian cuisine is comparable to Polynesian and Melanesian food. Chinese elements may be found in Indonesian cuisines, such as noodles, pork balls, and spring rolls, fully integrated.

Documentaries about Indonesia: Conclusion

If you enjoyed this documentaries list about Indonesia, check out also our collections about Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand!

Picture Credits: @dikaseva on Unsplash

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