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Documentaries about Russia

The Top 8 Documentaries about Russia: History, Culture, Politics

In this article, we'll explore the top 8 documentaries about Russia, discovering the history, the culture, the people, and the politics.

Intro: Documentaries about Russia

Little did you know that Russia is the world’s largest country? It is also home to many billionaires and has the world’s longest railway and second-largest art museum. If you are interested in getting more familiar with this country or planning to visit it any time soon, the documentaries about Russia below are a good start. 

1. A History of Russia: Tsars and Revolutions - History of Russia Documentary

A History of Russia is a well-presented Russian history documentary that makes the East more intriguing. The first eight minutes are dedicated to early Russian history. Even after the fall of communism, the country’s history still remains a beautiful mystery.

2. The Romanovs. The Real History of the Russian Dynasty - History of Russia Documentary

This Russia documentary highlights the Romanov dynasty, which played a vital role in world history. It also presents the character and life stories of the tsars, from recounting their achievements to defeats in war.

3. The Soviet Story - USSR History Documentary

The history of Russia is dominated by invasions, monarchies, and even the authoritarian 20th-century Soviet regime. This USSR history documentary was written and directed by Edvin Snore in 2008. Besides the Soviet regime story, this also tells how the Soviet Union helped Nazi Germany set off the Holocaust. 

4. Russia's Hidden Paradises - Nature Documentary- Russia Documentary

Visit the majestic westernmost tip of Russia — the Curonian Spit — and explore one of the oldest ornithological research stations in the world. Travel to the far east, to Kamchatka, and discover breathtaking Lake Kuril, home to the largest brown bears on Earth. Then ascend to the frozen North, to Yamal, where formidable reindeer herds of the Nenets roam free. But beware — climate change and gas production are drastically altering this icy terrain, forever changing its pristine beauty.

5. Inside Putin's Russia - Vladimir Putin Russia documentary

This history of Russia documentary revolves around the life of Vladimir Putin. It will take the viewers inside Putin’s Russia alongside a deeper look at the resurgent national identity, the risks of being Kremlin critics, the propaganda machine, and many more.

6. Russian Prison System - Russian Prison Documentary

This Russian prison documentary is one of the most haunting yet most powerful documentaries anyone could watch. One of the highlights of the documentary includes how Russian prisons stayed positive even if they were in jail. It also reflects that some Russians are insightful people with great depth and sadness but find reasons to smile.

7. The Russians: an intimate journey through Russia part 1 - Russia Documentary

This Russian documentary is a private trip through the country by meeting six different generations. Part 1 explores a city between Moscow and Novosibirsk and a boreal forest in the western part of Siberia. It is about the life and culture of Russia, expanding everyone’s outlook and understanding of the country.

8. The Russians: an intimate journey through Russia part 2 - Russia Documentary

In part of this Russian documentary, viewers will get close to the lives of people living in northwest Russia and Lake Baikal. It tells many stories about the locals’ eventful lives. It also highlights some of the legendary regions in the country. 

Documentaries about Russia: Conclusions

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